There are opportunities to volunteer at the Northbrook Historical Society in the following ways. Contact us for more information.
Buildings and Grounds
- General Maintenance as needed
- Event set-up/take-down
- Weeding and trimming
Computer Work and Clerical
- Document scanning
- Photo scanning
- Data Entry
- Transcription of Historic Documents
Communications and Social Media
- Write and help produce Newsletters
- Research and write news articles for local publications
- Create and publish Website and Facebook up-dates
- Provide informative articles
- Assist with mailings
Archives and Collections
- Record, Photograph, Sort and Organize donations
- Record donations in computerized database
Display Planning
- Assist with Museum / Heritage Center display ideas; research, source, design and setup
- Assist with researching historical requests
- Museum Docent
- Heritage Center Docent
Event Planning and Staffing
- Brainstorming Ideas for new events; community interest. fund-raising
- Add to/improve current events
- Shermerfest
- Planning Meetings
- Entertainment ideas and source
- Distribute and retrieve ground signs and posters
- Grounds set-up
- Grounds clean-up
- Museum Docent
- Staff events as needed
- Farmers Market
- Northbrook Birthday
- Northbrook Days Popcorn Wagon
- Shermer Stories
- Annual meeting and dinner
- Photograph events
Children’s Program
- Learn, assist, present